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Presidents' Message

As presidents for 2023, we are committed to increasing the level of connection between sponsor representatives and our diverse members, and our vision is to reconnect and refine our events to align with NOW’s core values. An emphasis on inclusion, diversity, accessibility, and opportunity is something we look to focus on in the new year. 


We are excited to see how NOW will flourish into a stronger community, and are committed to broadening our events to our shifting student demographic and improving the society's infrastructure to make this possible. We look to consolidate our position as a leading platform for students and sponsors to connect with the breadth of diverse talent from our members. Beyond this, our ability to foster strong networking relationships for female students early on, and provide touch points for professional skill development, working with sponsor firms to understand the skill necessities and gaps in the industry is highly valuable for both sponsor firms and students. 

We are keen to grow the society and grow with the society over the next year, and to give back to NOW so we can continue to connect, compel and collectively inspire. 

We look forward to your support in 2023 to make our vision a reality.

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